Exciting news… we are planning to reopen our SHOP (not the café yet) on Tuesday 2nd June 2020 at 9.30am and you’re all Whelk’ome!

Opening Hours

Tuesday – Sunday 9.30am-4.30pm

Please do bear with us when we re-open – we’ve all got a lot to figure out to make sure we’re “Covid Secure” – we’ll be trying our very best to do everything brill’antly but just in case we’re not quite there – please be kind!

NEW – Contact Free Collections

Simply plaice your order online & arrive during your allocated time slot

We’ll pop your order either in the boot of your car – or on the outdoor collection bench so we can all keep at a safe distance!

Orders now being taken!!

There is no charge to use this service & we’ve reduced lead time to 24 hours, so we hope you’ll think this new service is fin’tastic!

Want to know more? Click Here

Grocery Items?

Over the coming days we’re thinking about adding more products to our online shop – we can get grocery items like; milk, bread, butter, flour, yeast, homemade scones, bacon, eggs, sausages, fruit and veg, beers & wines. Please let us know if this is something you would like to be able to buy here – to save you visiting the supermarket?

NEW – Refurbishment is complete!

Many of you know that we’d been planning to do our big refurb this spring for over 12 months.

We had finalised the design & ordered our brand-new custom-built seafood display counter in January and had started much of the refurb work before having to close during the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, when we temporarily shut down there was still a fair amount of work to do, so once we got word that the new counter was ready – and ensured everyone could work safely – we’ve gone full steam ahead to get everything sorted out & are now breaming from ear to ear that we can reopen the shop properly next week.

We hope you’ll all really like it…

Fabulous Fishies

Many of our fishing boats and crews are now raring to go! We’ll just need to keep our fishy fingers crossed that the weather holds, the nets are full ,we can get plenty of delicious seafood in and dressed, smoked, filleted, pickled, put in pasties, soups and pies!

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to get everything we normally do – so apologies in advance if we’re missing your favourites.

Gift Vouchers

All gift vouchers that hadn’t been redeemed we’re going to extend their expiry date – so dust yours off & start dreaming about your haul of scrumptious seafood

Covid Secure

One of the big headaches to be able to reopen has been ensuring that we can all work safely and that you are safe when you are here too. Thank goodness for the refurb – it has given us much more space – so we can still provide many of your firm fishy favourites and some staple groceries too!

We have carried out a full risk assessment, with the specialist help of our Food Safety Technical Auditors and feel confident we have measures in plaice that will minimise the risks from Covid-19 as much as possible.

For anyone wanting to be even safer – we’ll also be offering our new “Contact Free Collection” service – it’s simple – you’ll just order online www.latimers.com for more info on how it will work  click here

All customers will be asked to help by maintaining 2m social distancing at all times and by doing the following:

  • Only 3 people are allowed in the shop at any one time – so please be mindful of others and shop alone if possible
  • If you need to wait to come in, please queue outside at 2m intervals which will be marked
  • Remember that children need to social distance too – so if you bring a little nipper – please keep an eye on them
  • Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 isn’t allowed on site
  • Please sanitise your hands when you come in
  • Please only touch products you’re going to buy
  • If possible, we’d prefer contactless card payments – the limit’s been lifted to £45
  • While the café is shut there’s no customer toilets


Our thoughts and prayers go to all who’ve been affected by Covid-19, it will have touched most peoples lives in one way or another. We’ve been very lucky to have kept safe during lockdown, the kind words of support and hope we’ve been inundated with from so many of you, have helped us all keep our chins up and to stay strong during the dark days of the pandemic. We wish for brighter days and fair weather on the horizon for us all.

We hope to be sea’ing you all soon

Keep safe

Bestest ever fishes

Robert and Ailsa and all our crew!