
Featuring a handful of your all-time firm favourites!


Crab and prawn sandwiches, our award winning smokie fish pasties, hot soups when weathers not so nice, breakfast sandwiches in the mornings, buttered scones (fruit & cheese), homemade cakes and muffins


Freshly ground coffees, teas, hot chocolate, our homemade lemonade and lots of lovely cold drinks too!

Tuesday – Sunday 9.30am-4.30pm

We’ve clearly signposted where to come – to the hatch on the deck – however if you need a flat access surface – please order in the shop which is fully accessible (we’ve ordered the kit to make some ramps but its 4-6 weeks until it arrives…)

Covid Secure

One of the big headaches to be able to reopen has been ensuring that we can all work safely and that you are safe when you are here too (hence the limited menu).
We have carried out a full risk assessment, with the specialist help of our Food Safety Technical Auditors and feel confident we have measures in plaice that will minimise the risks from Covid-19 as much as possible.
All customers will be asked to help by maintaining 2m social distancing at all times and by doing the following:

  • If you need to wait, please queue at 2m intervals which will be marked
  • Remember that children need to social distance too – so if you bring a little nipper – please keep an eye on them
  • Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 isn’t allowed on site
  • If possible, we’d prefer contactless card payments – the limit’s been lifted to £45
  • While the café is offering takeaway – there’s no customer toilets
  • Within the shop there’s only 3 people are allowed at any one time – so please be mindful of others and shop alone if possible

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