Ultimate Turf with your Surf – Longhorn Beef available at Latimers

The Reiver Longhorns are a small herd of traditionally and carefully…

Rough sea but some fab fishes.

All local cod, mackerel, monk, sole, turbot, crab  and langoustines…

Seafood Supper Club Friday 4th November


Northumberland brown crab.

Crab sandwiches or crab and whisky soup. Local and fresh.

Get your ‘skates’ on!

Super fresh Skate in the deli today!  Whole Seabream and…

Lots and lots of lobsters in today.

Sunshine and surf here

Lots of Lango’s , squid and crab landing through the night

Lots more boats to land for a great selection tomorrow .

Sunrise and seafood at Whitburn 

Lots of local fishes today.

Shop and Cafe Vacancies

Currently we are no longer actively recruiting However you can…

Winkles , lobsters , lemon sole all landed.

Lots of cod, haddock , hake , halibut and sole. Tides are easing…