Craster kippers
Our smoked haddock, the best Craster kippers, smoked haddock…
Shellfish Saturday
King and queen scallops, langoustines, clams, cockles, brown,…
Choppy sea today
Lots of great fish today chunky hake, cod and haddock , whiting,…
Lots of local fish today
Cod, langoustine,squid, monkfish, halibut, haddock , Dover sole,…
Calm morning here at Whitburn
Lots of local fish today , squid, brill, hake, turbot , cod,…
Friday fishes
Lots of lovely fishes today, lemon sole, halibut, haddock, squid…
Winkles, hake, sole and crab galore today.
Winkles steaming, lobsters dressed , langoustines, mussels and…
Lots of local fishes
Hake, cod, langoustines, squid, monkfish , halibut, mackerel…
It was winkle, winkle little star earlier when the boats were landing.
Lots of winkles today.