Charity Carol Concert

Latimers Seafood and

Whitburn Parish Church Choir


Christmas Charity Carol Concert

Join us for a fun relaxing evening of festive carols, readings and a light supper


 Thursday 10th December 2015

7pm ~ On arrival a light supper of soup and a selection of sandwiches will be served
(vegetarian options available, please advise on booking if required)

7.30pm ~ Performance by the Whitburn Parish Church Choir

8pm ~ Mince pies and Christmas cake with tea or coffee

8.30pm ~ More carols, readings and choir performance

9pm ~ Carriages
Please bring your own alcoholic drinks

Tickets available from Latimers Cafe

Payment with cash please


All proceeds in aid of:
The Children’s Society,
Save the Children,
Whitburn Parish Church Choir

3 replies
  1. Lorraine Hood says:

    This is always a wonderful evening , the music is excellent and the supper is lovely. Glad I got my tickets early as it is always a sell out and all for 3 great causes.x

  2. rob says:

    Its one of my favourite events too, so pleased you enjoy it – hope this year meets expectations! Thanks Ailsa

  3. Lorraine Hood says:

    Brilliant night. Another excellent concert. Thank you so much to Latimers and Whitburn Parish Church Choir. A lovely lead into Christmas.x

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