
Some very exciting news…

Our girls Isla and Freya are going to be on this week’s episode of Countryfile!

Countryfile contacted us, asking if we knew any inspirational young cooks who loved catching and eating seafood!

Well, it just so happens that we do… our girls have been brought up with the sea in their blood, so obviously Countryfile were eager to meet them!

The brill’iant chef Romy Gill MBE came and visited us in October to speak to the girls about their love for fishing and seafood. They showed her round the North East, visiting Blyth Fish at Blyth Fish Quay and our beautiful beaches.

The girls also showed off their cooking skills and made Romy “squidges” – the name they made up for squid and wedges!

You can catch their episode this Sunday 27th at 6:30pm on BBC2!